Tuesday, December 27, 2011


you might ask yourself;
why in the world would a vegan go hunting?

there are actually many reasons...

-to see the grounds that my family has been hunting in for over 50 years
-to hear stories about my family

-to see a side of my dad i've never seen: The Hunter
-to see the sweet, domesticated golden retrievers turn into Animals,
once they get out there, a switch goes on,
suddenly, they're alive and have purpose
-a chance to hang with my cousin, and get to know him more
-lots of laughing with the above said characters

-6 hours and 10 miles of walking exercise
-fresh air
-peace. the only sounds you hear are birds and cridders
-it's good for the soul to gaze up at tall oaks
-landscape photography

the only reason for me NOT to go is the shooting part! heh.
i'm very lucky that in both times i went hunting,
my dad and cousin didn't kill anything.
they were pretty bummed. but i relieved.

my cousin, Tom, goofing off on the left.
my dad, Roy, on the right.

back to being serious.

a feather in my hat

Tom's dog, Jake, seen here hunting big game.

the infamous Hit-Hop Hunters photograph.

where guns come from.

a beaver damn.
i took the opportunity to ask my dad, "is this a god damn?"

my dad's dog, Annie. exhausted, but still relentless.

my only encounter with dead pheasant; in the parking lot.

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