"I don't care a lot about my looks;
I don't even have a personal stylist.
It is unmanly and unsexy if you always worry about it."

"I don't tweet, I don't go on Facebook.
I think there's too much information about all of us out there.
I'm liking the idea of privacy more and more."
I've had a pretty good life, so there's no reason to be a butt-head.
The things that are going well so much outweigh the bad,
you'd have to be a jerk to complain."
"...if you thought about it for any period of time, you wouldn't do anything.
I mean, I never would have left Kentucky to be an actor if I'd pondered the odds."

- "I was raised Catholic in Kentucky: [in Catholicism] death is a very interesting thing,
because death is an open casket. It’s a very real thing.
I actually think it’s sort of barbaric,
but I understand the theory of it, which is that you have to see them dead.
You have to let that sit with you.
I also think being with my Uncle George, who I was close to,
and holding his hand – he had lung cancer – when he died
was a very specific thing that changed me fundamentally from the minute it happened.
I was on a show I didn’t like.
I was in a relationship that didn’t work
and I was holding his hand
and he just kept saying, ‘What a waste, what a waste…’.
And I also remember thinking at that moment,
‘I’m not gonna be 68 or 70 years old and be lying somewhere and saying, “What a waste”.
At the very least it’s gonna be foot on the gas pedal all the way.
As fast and as hard as I can.
So, if I get hit by a bus tomorrow, you go,
‘Well, you jammed a lot in 50 years’.
And that to me was immediate.
- alexander payne: "Was this your dad’s brother?"
- gtc: "Actually my dad’s uncle. So my great-uncle."
- ap: "Are you named after him?"
- gtc: "Yes."

- brad balfour (interviewer):
"At the crux of The Descendants are notions of forgiveness, maybe redemption.
What are your thoughts on forgiveness, both in the context of the film and in real life?"
- gtc:
" 'I forgive you. Now I don’t forgive you. I take it back.'
You’re absolutely right, there’s a big part of it, it’s forgiving yourself as much,
because so much of this that happened was also his responsibility.
I think a big part of that release at the end,
when he’s with his wife and he looks at her and he kisses her goodbye,
is understanding his part in this as well.
Yes, she cheated on him,
but he was not there and he was not a good father as much as he thought he was.
He was busy working. That happens.
Part of it was coming to understand that,
and I think that forgiving yourself is a very big part of that.
We all go through those experiences of understanding that the older you get,
the more forgiving you are of other people’s mistakes.
When you’re young, you find that anything that stands against something you believe in is just plain wrong.
I remember there would be relatives of mine who would say something
and I would say 'Well, he’s a bigot,'
and then come to find out later that I was way too judgmental.
I was making the issue much bigger than it was.
As we all get older, we get a little more forgiving of everything.
...except the guy driving 45 miles an hour."

"Our family always got our tree on Christmas Day.
One year, I was away at college, and I got a call from my mom.
She told me the dog I'd had for about 12 years had gotten into a neighbor's yard,
and the guy shot him in the butt.
I wanted to kill the guy.
He had this beautiful little house.
Everything was perfect--little picket fence,
perfect yard and one evergreen tree right in the middle.
So, on Christmas Eve, I snuck into his yard and sawed down that goddamned thing.
That was our Christmas tree that year."
"Nobody but nobody dominates Harvey on screen.
I did my best, but when I look at the result,
I can see him throw in a gesture, raise an eyebrow, or even take a pause, and he takes focus.
That's why he's Harvey Keitel,
and I'm just a lucky guy with the best job in the world."
"When I heard Terrence was making a new movie,
I let it be known that, hell, I'd carry film boxes.
I just wanted to be able to say that somewhere down the line I worked with Terrence Malick.
It was a little intimidating. Not only Malick and all the tanks,
but great actors whom I've never worked with.
I happen to think that Sean Penn is the most talented actor of my generation
-- we're around the same age -- so it was a little intimidating working with Sean for the first time."
"You know, you think you reach a point in this business
and you'll only be getting better-than-average stuff sent to you.
Well, wrong.
At one point I was five scripts a week for months,
and with script after script it was like, "God, this is awful."
Then you hear of the name stars who wind up doing it,
you read about it or hear about it, and you think, "Man, were they stoned?"
It's a test of your will, reading all those scripts.
You hope you find something that's good to do before they stop sending you stuff."
regarding One Fine Day;
"The kids in this movie were great.
They were more adult than I was.
Mae Whitman, who plays my daughter, is one of the best actors I've ever worked with.
The director would say, "I need you to cry,"
and she'd go, "Okay, hang on."
Then he'd say, "Now I need about 30 percent less,"
and she would cry 30 percent less!
I hate her."
since george gave
a tour of his home in Person to Person,
i no longer have to ponder what his bar looks like...
or his sink...
or the contents of his fridge

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